About Us

Kendor Day Nursery is situated on the grounds of a lovely primary school. We have a spacious garden area with access to a lovely outside pond. We have a large learning environment and great space for our children to be independent and explore their environment freely. We have a dedicated team of qualified nursery practitioners. We are open from 8am to 6pm term time only.
We can ensure you that Kendor Day Nursery is a nursery where your child will feel safe, secure and above all feel like they are in a family environment. Our nursery is warm and welcoming with staff who aim to offer your child the best experiences for them to start their new adventure at nursery. As professionals we nurture their learning by providing a wide range of opportunities and resources.
The nursery focuses on encouraging children’s independence and choice to support their learning. We encourage fun through freedom of choice, child initiated activities along with adult initiated activities.

The Importance of a Key Person

All our children here at Kendor are allocated a key person. A key person approach is a way to ensure that all children and families have one or more persons within setting with whom they have a special, nurturing relationship. The presence of a key person helps the child to feel emotionally secure when away from home and provides a reassuring point of contact for parents.